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Cris Martinez

Regional Director

1. What is your favorite part of your job?
Meeting new people, providing education and solving title problems!

2. Where would we find you on the weekend?
More than likely you will find me at church praising and worshipping my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ! Otherwise, relaxing on my couch with my hubby & furbabies watching Christian Movies!

3. What do you want clients to remember you for?
I want clients to remember me for knowing my stuff, that I will always fight for what's right and do my best to provide the best quality service possible! 

4. How do you make the title process better for clients?
I believe in educating and mentoring throughout the process. I help customers, whether they are Realtors, Lenders, Buyers, or Sellers, understand what is being done, answer questions, and give them the comfort they need to know they can trust and have confidence in me and the team!

5. What's your favorite sweet treat?
In a former life I was a Pastry Chef so I love sweets & tried so many different kinds. All in all, I don't have one! haha

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Giannell Title is committed to answering your questions about Real Estate issues in Florida.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
