The webpage will provide essential resources and templates for condominium owners preparing to sell their units. Here's what visitors can expect to find:
1. Condominium Governance Form:
• A detailed educational overview of condominium governance in Florida, covering topics like the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors, association finances, meeting protocols, elections, and the rights of unit owners. It includes references to Florida Statutes and regulations to help owners understand compliance requirements.
2. Seller's Association Official Records Request Letter Template:
• A ready-to-use template for condominium unit owners to formally request necessary documents from their association, such as declarations, bylaws, financial statements, and inspection reports, to facilitate the sale process.
3. Seller's Association Written Inquiry Request Letter Template:
• A formal letter template for sellers to inquire about specific requirements and conditions related to their unit's sale, including buyer approval, rights of first refusal, and inspection reports. This ensures sellers obtain critical information for a smooth transaction.
This page is a one-stop resource for condominium sellers to access crucial documents and templates for compliance and a seamless selling process.
Required Condominium Governance Form
Condo Association Official Records Request Letter - Seller
Condo Association Written Inquiry Request Letter - Seller